5 Steps to Clear Your Google Chrome Browsing History on iOS

Just like on your computer system, browsers on your smartphone devices store your surfing history to make it quicker to visit the websites you have browsed earlier. It means that anyone who has access to your device can also see your browsing history easily that impacts on your privacy and security. So, it can be the best choice to removethe history occasionally.Clearing your Chrome cache, cookies and history on your iOS device is something you can do on the daily basis to keep things clean and neat as well.


The following guide will also help you to know how to clear browsing history in Google Chrome for the iPad and iPhone device. Here’s, have a look at the steps outlined below in order to clean the history of your browser.

  1. Launch your Google Chrome browser on your iPhone, iPad or iPod device, and then touch the Options box (three vertical dots) placed on the upper-right corner of the browser window.
  2. A drop-down menu will appear, now tap the ‘Settings’ option.
  3. In the ‘Settings’ window, touch the ‘Privacy’ option in the ‘Advanced’ section.
  4. Under the ‘Privacy’ window, it is necessary to specify what types of data you want to remove. Once selections are made, touch the ‘Clear Browsing Data’ option. You can also touch the ‘Clear All’ option to clean everything such as Cache, Cookies, and History. Otherwise, it will clear the autofill data and saved passwords by default.
  5. The Chrome browser asks you to apply the action. Touch the ‘Clear Browsing Data’ to make it take place. Now, you can go back or exit from the browser.

Overall, this can be the best choice for clearing your browsing data once in a while, especially if someone has access to your phone. You will be able to protect your privacy, delete temporary files, free up space, and even fix glitches behavior in the browser that may cause Google Chrome not opening. However, if you are having any difficulties while accessing your browser, then you can also talk to the expert by dialing their customer support number offered by the Contactforhelp.